Monday 29 December 2014

4 Short Jokes to Make You, Her, Him Laugh or Smile

**  Person 1: Have you heard the one about the butter?
Person 2: No.

Person 1: Well, I can't tell you or else you'll spread it.
**  Salesman to a kid: is your mother at home?
kid replied: yes.
Salesman: rang the bell four time, but no one comes out.
Salesman asked kid: you said she is at home??
Kid: yes, she is at home , but it is not a place where i live.

**  Once brain walks into bar and says "can i have a pint of beer please..?"
The barman looks at him and replies "Sorry i can not serve you"
"Why not?" asks the brain 
"Because you are already out of your head..."

** Once a short man asked: What is the difference between watch and wife?
Short friend replied: If a watch gets angry, it stops but if wife gets angry, she starts..

#Smile and #laugh and #joke_for_everyone
How #laugh

How to be Funny ? # Jokes

Salesman: Miss, you will look very attractive in this dress.
Lady: I like it but i don't like its color.
Salesman: Oh, don't about it, the color will disappear after the first wash.!!

. Father: Tell me, what do you do, when nothing goes right?

Son: It is very short and simple dad, i go LEFT!

. A man calls a policeman over claiming to have witnessed a crime;
Witness: This man has been murdered!
Policeman: Badly?
Witness: No, very well, he's dead!

Friend 1: Is your refrigerator running?
Friend 2: Yes. Why?
Friend 1: Well you better go catch it!

Smile and laugh and joke for everyone

#Smile and #laugh and #joke for everyone
How #laugh ?
How to #smile ?
How can we make #life- taste #jokes ?
Come laugh Come smile for life together here